Shahnawaz Ali Kausar

Full Stack Engineer | JavaScript Developer (Angular, React, Node.js, MongoDB)

Hi there, I am Shahnawaz Ali, another technology enthusiast. Working my way to become a Software Architect 🎯. I have been blessed to work with some amazing teams including Blockchain Foundry and 10Pearls. I also Co-Founded a startup called Capazyte (service company).

Current projects

I am woring with team XYZA (ssh.. confidential) in building a B2C, B2B and C2C platform. Besides that I have contributed in few other projects at Capazyte which includes Kevin Pollard's personal portfolio, BrightTax and Partle.


My open source work includes yaps.js, react-native-barcode-mask, react-boilerplate and ng-voi (yup Angular 1 but worthy of mention :) ). You can visit my github profile to find more.

P.S: I am always looking to contribute in some amazing project/library, do contact me if there is anything I could be a part of, cheers!


My latest blog posts can be found on my Medium channel.


You can connect with me via the following places but the most reliable way to reach me is linkedin.